Speaker 1:
Assist is a comprehensive, integrated program by Alcon designed to transform the patient experience by supporting the unique needs of independent leasehold. Optometrists Assist provides education and valuable resources within the VIP clubhouse, such as fitting guides and product comparison sheets to facilitate patient interactions under Assist. There are also co-op marketing programs of available to drive patient engagement with tactics like mobile ads, direct mailers, and social media. Let's hear from some of our trusted optometrists.
Speaker 2:
I'm super excited about Assist and when I learned about that, it's kind of like somebody just invented the perfect thing to solve my problem. So I've already signed up to send out the direct mailers, so 200 mailers will go out to patients that are known contact lens wearers that live near my practice. And I always enjoy when patients come in educated so they'll have some experience and exposure to a specific lens product. Then that makes the conversion that much easier because they come in with that familiarity and they're excited about it. And so I can echo that excitement and I think that creates a really streamlined experience for patients. Additionally, the digital ads really elevate the technological aspect of my practice. I really want to take my marketing efforts to the next level and Assist will help me do that. And when I signed up for Assist, it took me five minutes. Thankfully, the financial investment is quite minimal, and then I'll be able to monitor the impact as the campaign rolls on, which I'm really looking forward to.
Speaker 3:
One thing the Assist Program is giving us for our practices are patient education handouts. I'm really excited about that because I'm all about patient education. I want them to be educated about what's wrong with their eyes, what's possible about their eyes, and these handouts that are part of the Assist program that we can hand each patient. I think that creates more word of mouth because they're going to go home with something physical in their hand that the doctor gave them and it's about their eyes and it's going to be something they can make hand to a friend or keep at the family or at the house. So I'm really excited about the patient education part of it in the office.
Speaker 4:
I'm super excited for the one mailer, the one page mailer, because they are more hands on and when they get this promotional thing on their mail and it invites them to my practice, I know that for me specifically, that's going to work amazing by bringing me new patients. I love the patient educational piece because it allows me to delegate in Walmart. The reality is that sometimes we get really, really busy. It's very overwhelming. So having something that a picture says a thousand words that I can delegate to one of my staff and say, oh, I want you to talk to this patient about this specific product, so why don't you go into this other room? And then they can show them graphics on what it is that we want to teach them. So I think that brings immense value to the practice. I.